Sure enough, on arrival at Tusayan airport for confirmation, the day before the planned flight, we found ourselves at the counter of Grand

The charming receptionist did say she would guarantee us all window seats, but said the Cessnas were not available.
Arriving early the next morning, the story was the same, but I noticed a guy behind the desk with a name badge I recognised from my e-mail marathon, so asked him for an explanation.

But he did manage to organise a Cessna & 2 pilots, and we did have an excellent ride with super views of the Canyon.
A fully satisfactory outcome after a totally unsatisfactory lead-in.
At his request, I sent him copies of the 31 e-mails charting my attempts to contact AGC & he promised to tidy things up rapidly.
For other customers' sakes, I hope he does.
Parting thot: "Losers quit when they're tired. Winners quit when they've won." - Anon