This road (from Google Street View) is the D41 on the outskirts of Schnersheim, leading to Wiwersheim.I have used it about daily since 1989.
Until a few days ago there was a sign at the end of the footpath, saying "Schnersheim" but crossed out.
That meant the end of the 50km/h town speed limit & the start of the 90km/h country limit.
So after the tree, you could accelerate to 90...

Well, without telling anybody, they have just shifted the Schnersheim sign about 500m further up the road.
Because of a future industrial estate, I supose.
Now I do actually obey speed limits, but after 24 years practice, I find it just automatic to accelerate after the tree.
After all - the only thing warning me not to, is the absence of a road sign!
If I do happen to reach 90km/h & happen to hit a radar trap, it could cost me:
- 135 euros
- 4 points off my (so far clean) license
- 3 years suspension (and resulting insurance hike)
- confiscation of vehicle...
There should be something more than absence of a sign, to help protect me & thousands of other habitual users of the D41, against such penalties!
EDIT: Several weeks later, this section of straight road outside the actual village now has 70km/h signs - an excellent solution.
Parting thot: "There is usually only a limited amount of damage that can be done by dull or stupid people. For creating a truly monumental disaster, you need people with high IQs." - Thomas Sowell