Back in November last year, the respected & serious French National Institute of Statistics & Economic Studies (INSEE: http://www.insee.fr/en/) produced a report which was picked up by all the TV stations & Newspapers.
Actually it was a huge report called "France, Social Portrait 2008" but the bit everybody jumped on was a 12-page sub-report (http://www.insee.fr/fr/ffc/docs_ffc/ref/FPORSOC08n.PDF) called, roughly, "Happiness - Does it Depend on Age?"
Nobody was surprised that the answer was "Yes", but few expected the shape of the happiness graph, which has a trough at 45-50 and a big peak at 65-70.
Even the researchers had been surprised enough to try to "correct" it for income, marital situation etc, but with no success.

So I look forward to the next few years with more optimism than before, and hope somebody will find a way of jacking up the bit after 70 before I get there.
Parting thot: "Nobody on his deathbed ever said, 'I wish I had spent more time at the office.'" – Robin Skynner?
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