Actually 3138kWh.
That's what our solar panels have produced in exactly a year.
Very satisfactory, compared with the 2560kWh suggested (as a conservative estimate) by the salesman.
Or the 2793kWh estimated by the very sophisticated PVSYST simulation program.
But I have to expect about 1% efficiency loss per year.
Already included in the budgeting.
All I have to do now, is to enter 3138kWh on the form kindly sent by Electricité de Strasbourg, send it back & wait for the Euros to appear in the bank...
As we signed up early, when the government was still enthusiastic, we qualify for 0.58€/kWh, so should get 1820€.
For future PhotoVoltaicists, the conditions will be much less attractive.
The tax credit has been slashed from 8000€ to 4000€ & the price per kWh (for new producers) has dropped a lot & will continue to drop.
For once, it looks as though we did something right!
Famous last words?
Parting thot: "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." - Maori Proverb
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