If you want to be even more sure, do not put anybody in charge.
To further improve your chances, spread the members over several sites.
Preferably several countries.
Even better; over time zones with little or no overlap.
Mixing wide variations in hierarchical level will ensure that even if anybody understands the problem, he will be inhibited or over-ruled.
Encourage communication by Voice Mail.
If there should be any sign of agreement, introduce some new member who needs to go over the whole thing again.
Throwing in a new computer system occasionally can buy you a lot of time.
As a last resort, try budgetary restrictions.
Congratulations, you have just invented General Motors!
…or probably any one of many multinationals, I just happened to have that one handy in a moment of frustration!
Parting thot: "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." – Peter Drucker
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